Darkness Bound: Why I don't care for Disney

So I promised that I'd share with everyone... the reason I, for the most part, don't really like Disney.

TLDR:  Crappy childhood filled with confusion of not understanding why everyone had a  'happily ever after' and I didn't.  Only to find my entire life was a lie and now I finally have the start of my own happily ever after.

While I'm still not super fond of Disney because of 'Reason 1.'  the original stuff they do, is well done  and I feel that in time I might actually even like Disney.

1. Disney has changed so many fairy tails...  they were originally meant to be lessons.  Many of these German fables do not have 'happily ever afters'.  I'm part German and the bastardization of the German fables , even as a child, upset me greatly.  As an adult it's what ever but some feelings don't go away over night.

2.  The family that raised me was not the nicest... my childhood was hard.  The abuse a real and I could never understand the 'happily ever afters'.  This made me angry for many years, but again when I was young I didn't understand things as I do now, I didn't understand why I couldn't have a  'happily ever after.  I hated that many of my schoolmates had what I didn't and no I'm not talking about material things... 

As an adult it is now based more upon that Disney sets up unrealistic expectations to our young girls, to our children and I don't want them to have the same feelings I did.

I have since met a wonderful and amazing man who has become my husband (read that at prince LOL)  and because of him I have found my happy ever after... and due to original Disney movies like Brave and Moana I feel that I can give Disney a second chance and learn to like them.

Want the full story?  You can find it here, but be warned if you are easy to anger, upset, or tears... then you might not want to read it.


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