Disney Bounding

Okay so it's not new, well for me it is, but in general it's been around for a while.  Years ago I used to be big into cosplay and while this is not cosplay it's the same concept.

What I've done is considered a different look for each park and on another page I'll have my schedule out for all to see, just because... or perhaps I'm not an entirely privet person based on the subject... I dunno.

Back to what I was going on about before.  I've thought about characters I like versus characters I'd do okay with when it comes to Disney Bounding, and then there is Couples Bounding.  Aaron my darling partner in crime will be going with me and has expressed that he is willing to try out a couples bounding if I'd like to, so far I have no idea....

Uhhh so complicated he suggested for Galaxy's Edge that we do Kanan and Hera, from SW Rebel's. I'm okay with that, it could be fun.  We're working on other possibilities other wise for me I was thinking Merida from Brave.  I thought i had the perfect Bound...  but after looking my top is the wrong shade of green...  but it's one of the few shades I can wear because the red undertone in my skin hates most green shades.

I'll include a picture of each of us in case anyone has an idea that might just work.

-Darkness Bound

A possible couples bound...


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